Presented by

Integrated Spatial Solutions, Inc.

Loading Playlist

Choose series to filter:

The storytelling playlist app is a great template to showcase your map with a corresponding interactive list of points displayed in your map. See example here.

In order to build the intercative playlist, your webmap must include one of the following type of layers:
  • CSV layer embedded in webmap
  • Feature service layer
Presented by
Integrated Spatial Solutions, Inc.

All television series referenced on this website are copyrighted by Huell Howser Productions.

The source code for this story map is based on the esri project located here:
Github - Playlist Story Map
(Licensed under Apache License 2.0)

Disclaimer: The location data in this application represents the information presented by the Huell Howser Archive; there are a number of episodes from various shows that have yet to be cataloged and published on the website. Some of the locations presented here may no longer exist and some locations have been omitted due to imprecise geography or extending too far from California borders.